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Farms, Food & Fun!


Get ready for a delightful journey into the world of farms, food, and fun with Kj Reimensnyder-Wagner’s kid’s album, “Farms, Food & Fun!” Packed with catchy tunes and playful melodies, this album is a joyful celebration of agriculture, healthy eating, and the joy of learning.

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Track Listing

1. Goin' on a Farm Tour
2. What Color
3. Let's Ride The Bus To The Apple Orchard
4. I'm a Little Mushroom
5. The Fruit March
6. Healthy Farms, Healthy Schools
7. My New Food Pyramid
8. Mean Dean, The Vending Machine
9. Family Farm
10. Don't Frown, Slow Down
11. Buy Local
12. Traveling Home

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Compact Disc

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