Where Words Fail,
Music Speaks Truly

Entertaining all ages is what keeps Kj’s life filled to overflow capacity and yet supplies her with even more energy to share!

Her “Smile A While…Celebrate You” programs have introduced positive self-esteem through music in funny and thought-provoking songs…delivering messages to thousands of school-age children and university students each year inside traditional school settings, as well as at other locations such as outside picnics and at summer camps. Have your school or student organization give her a call today!

The flexibility that Kj favors, offers unique teaching methods – often on serious subject matters — with remarkable results. Subject matters such as positive self-esteem, special needs, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, relational aggression, patriotism, and peace are addressed through music at a level where kids will not only learn…but will remember. Kj even performs a funny Food Opera for National Nutrition month and sings wacky songs about indigestion and good ways to use roadkill! She accepts subjects for future programming with zest! You should check out her campfire sing-a-longs! Singing and laughing is the best education.

“When I was a student, years ago now (!), I was an average kid in school.” says Kj. “ I often struggled to even earn average grades sInce I didn’t learn well through traditional methods. I was never a great test-taker. When one of my high school teachers brought his guitar to school for the first time and sang songs of politics, of history…and even of health issues in order to teach us, I received A’s on all my papers and exams in his class. I knew then that there were other ways to be taught. And in that same year, another teacher allowed me to write a book report in song rather than taking a test to describe what I learned in the book. My grades drastically improved. They were both willing (and happy) to find the best methods for each student. That was a pivotal time in my life. And I knew then that I wanted to pass that on to younger people in the future.”